You cannot reduce health - what's in an apple?

A Prof. Liu researched the antioxidant effect in the apple and published his findings in Nature. He found something extraordinary. 100 grams of apple had 1500 mg of Vitamin C activity. When they chemically analysed the 100 grams, they found 5.7 milligrams of Vitamin C. The whole apple had 263 x more antioxidant potency than the isolated chemical. 

Take home message: You cannot reduce health. Health is more than the sum of the parts. A synthetic supplement will never compete with real whole food.

Deborah McTaggart is a registered nutritionist practising in Barnes, South West London, and global via Zoom. She works with corporate nutrition and individuals on healthy eating, with a special interest in Men's Health, Shift Work Health, Travel Health and Avoiding Jet Lag. Contact me here for further information on nutrition plans.