How to get yourself the best sleep

Are you a lark or an owl?

Our day time performance and effectiveness relies on quality, structured and regular sleep, and we each have a different rhythm.

One tip is to aim for a regular disciplined 7-8 hours a night.  Sleeping and waking at the same time every day can help lay down a good foundation for sleep.

Sleeping too little (5-6 hours) or too much (>9 hours) has a negative impact on health and mortality.

Find your rhythm

Find your rhythm and keep to a regular sleep/wake cycle to feel the best performance benefits.

Disconnect from devices that keep you awake (cell phone, lap tops) 90 minutes before bed in order to prepare for better quality sleep.

Human need sleep so be humble and sort your sleep cycle out.

Deborah McTaggart is a registered nutritionist practising in Barnes, South West London, and global via Zoom. She works with corporate nutrition and individuals on healthy eating, with a special interest in Men's Health, Shift Work Health, Travel Health and Avoiding Jet Lag. Contact me here for further information on nutrition plans.